Posts Tagged ‘astral realm’

Hello again!

Last blog, I stated I would post copies of emails from some people who claimed to have Hyper Dimensional Resonators.  Unfortunately, I deleted those emails awhile back so I am unable to relay the information as it was back then.  I’m sorry.  That being said, I think I’ll skip a couple of years ahead into the story because after the events mentioned in the previous blogs, nothing outside of emailing and looking stuff up on the internet is worth mentioning.

A few years later…

I am now in my early twenties, working at a grocery store and literally living in a garage with the friend I used to prank phone call Steven Gibbs with.  At this point, the HDR, Steven Gibbs, and time travel was all but a tale I would use to show people how “interesting” I was.  I made fun of it with people and use it to start conversations…but I still wondered about it.  This back of mind sort of curiosity nagged at me until I decided to search the internet for info on it again.  There was now more info on the machine, at least two new models of the machine had been designed, more groups and people claiming results.  I ended up joining a forum called Timechatter where I started talking to people about time travel again.

The curiosity eventually welled up and I had to do something about it, and this time I could do more about it.  I had a job this time around and I had tax return money coming in so I decided to finally purchase the Hyper Dimensional Resonator.  I was conflicted about it because I did not want to use my money unwisely, but I just had to know for myself.  After getting the money, I called up Steven Gibbs and placed my order for the Hyper Dimensional Resonator.  My friend was at least a little excited I think, because he was there for most of this.  Another friend of mine was worried about me, because he was afraid I would shock myself or something.  Time travel is not something to take lightly..

I was told by Steven Gibbs that my HDR unit would be mailed in a few weeks.  He apparently had a lot of orders at the time so it would take him awhile to get to building mine.  Dat’s okay, I had waited this long.  The weeks leading up to the arrival of my time machine was filled with much work and evenings of marijuana.  Yep, I said it.  At the time I was an avid smoker and some of these evenings were about pot-induced time travel discussions.  Being a Doors fan, I remember once making a comment about going to visit Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek back in the day because I would have a time machine.  This thought made my roommate bust out into laughter followed by a hmm..chin-scratch..maybe.  Aside from the that, I was also trying to prepare myself mentally.  Because of my interest in the HDR I had found out about the topic of astral projection and self induced OBEs(out of body experiences).

Having tried to induce an astral projection experience without an HDR using the traditional methods without any success, the possibility of having an OBE seemed more possible because I would have techno-shamanic help.  Out of body experiences is something that I do believe is possible.  By traditional methods, I mean meditation/visualization exercises.  I didn’t have results because I wasn’t disciplined in achieving my goal.  The HDR was like the big red easy button of astral time travel.  I wanted to be ready..because when you think about it, really think about it.  Leaving your physical body sounds a little freaky.  “What if I die?  What if I get possessed by a demon?  What if I get lost and can’t get back to my body?”  I only know(and not much)this one version of reality.  Either way, I would have my answers soon.

Next time: Hyper Dimensional Resonator experimentation!